Christmas at St Andrews
Christmas Tree Festival and Fayre
30th November 9am-2pm
Our biggest event of the year, loads of stalls, trees and fun! Why not come down and browse the local traders, eat all the amazing goodies, have a go at the tombola and vote for your favourite tree decorated by different groups from our town. Vote for you favourite to crown Cleveleys Christmas Tree Winner 2024. Fun for everyone. (Trees also available to view 12pm-3pm on 1st and 2nd December)

Blue Christmas Service
15th December 6pm
This special service is for people who find Christmas time difficult, especially when we are missing our loved ones who made Christmas so special in the past. Come and join in this reflective service to give thanks for those who we love yet see no longer, as we sing carols, light candles and give thanks together.

Midnight Mass
24th December 11:30pm
Christ is born! Alleluia! All are welcome to come and celebrate the birth of our Saviour in the traditional way at our midnight mass. This special service is one of the highlights of the Christian calendar and not to be missed.

Christmas Morning Service
25th December 10:30am
Do join us while the turkey is in the oven to celebrate the real meaning of Christmas and welcome the Christ-child on this special day. Everyone welcome.

Churches Together Carolling
14th December
Churches Together Cleveleys are coming together to spread some Christmas spirit first carolling on the main street (11am-11:30am) followed by returning to the church for refreshments at our Saturday morning Coffee break.

Traditional Carols by Candlelight
22nd December 6pm
We will be holding a traditional carol service within the church all by candlelight, singing all the carols we treasure as we remember how Christ arrived to set us free through word and song. All very welcome.

Christingle Service
24th December 4pm
What a way to kick off Christmas Eve with the whole family in this fun service for all ages. there will be carols, there will be fun and there will be many oranges!